We've created official clients for the Mirador realtime image moderation API in Python and Ruby. Of course, they're both open-source!
With our packages on PyPi and Rubygems, it's super easy to get started:
pip install mirador
To classify an image (just replace with your API key):
>>> from mirador import MiradorClient
>>> mc = MiradorClient('your_key_here')
>>> mc.classify_urls('http://demo.mirador.im/test/nsfw.jpg')
[<MiradorResult: http://demo.mirador.im/test/nsfw.jpg; safe: False; value: 0.999999502312/>]
To read the source and the full documentation, see our github repos:
python: mirador-py
ruby: mirador-rb
As always, feel free to shoot us an email at support@mirador.im with any problems or questions!