
Ruby client for Mirador (http://mirador.im) API

View the Project on GitHub mirador-cv/mirador-rb


A simple Ruby client for the mirador Image moderation API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mirador'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install mirador


To get started, you need an API key, available from mirador.im/join. If you have problems with the API or this client, please contact support@mirador.im.

Mirador::Result and Mirador::ResultList

All multiple-request methods (e.g., classify_files), return a Mirador::ResultList, which is effectively a list of Mirador::Result objects; single-request methods (e.g., classify_url) return a Mirador::Result object.

Classifying Files & Buffers

You can classify 4 types of files/file-objects:

The methods for file-based classification are as follows:


require 'mirador'
mc = Mirador::Client.new('your_api_key')

results = mc.classify_files('test.jpg', 'picture.jpg')

assert results['test.jpg']
assert_equal results.length, 2

results.each do |res|
  puts "#{ res.id }, #{ res.value }"

results.each do |id, res|
  puts "#{ id }, #{ res.value }"

You can also specify an id to be used:

require 'mirador'
mc = Mirador::Client.new 'your_api_key'

# first method: use ids as keys
results = mc.classify_files(nsfw: 'nsfw.jpg', sfw: 'sfw.jpg')

assert results[:nsfw]
assert results[:sfw]

# second method: pass an array of { id:, data: } hashes
results = mc.classify_files([{ id: :nsfw, data: 'nsfw.jpg'}, { id: :sfw, data: 'sfw.jpg' }])

assert results[:nsfw]
assert results[:sfw]

File can be either a filename or a file object; e.g., the following is also valid:

results = mc.classify_files(nsfw: File.open('nsfw.jpg'))


A shortcut for classifying a single file; this will return a Mirador::Result instead of a Mirador::ResultList:

require 'mirador'
mc = Mirador::Client.new 'your_api_key'

# first method: use ids as keys
nsfw = mc.classify_file(nsfw: 'nsfw.jpg')

puts nsfw.value


Classify a buffer, e.g., an already-read file. This simplifies the classification of file uploads, e.g. POST data. The interface is identical to classify_files, only differing in the actual data passed in:

require 'mirador'
mc = Mirador::Client.new 'your_api_key'

nsfw_buf = File.read('nsfw.jpg')
sfw_buf = File.read('sfw.jpg')

# these are equivalent
results = mc.classify_buffers(nsfw: nsfw_buf, sfw: sfw_buf)
results = mc.classify_buffers([{id: :nsfw, data: nsfw_buf}, {id: :sfw, data: sfw_buf}])

# since buffers dont have a name, you just get an index as id
results = mc.classify_buffers(nsfw_buf, sfw_buf)


As with classify_file, there is a shortcut for classifying only one buffer; see classify_file for clarifications on usage (it's identical).


The Mirador API internally represents images as base64-encoded strings (agnostic of image encoding); this method lets you pass in an alread-encoded string in the event that you're also using base64 encoding elsewhere in your system. Usage is the same as classify_buffers:

require 'mirador'
require 'base64'

mc = Mirador::Client.new 'your_api_key'

nsfw_buf = Base64.encode64(File.read('nsfw.jpg'))
sfw_buf = Base64.encode64(File.read('sfw.jpg'))

# these are equivalent
results = mc.classify_encoded_strings(nsfw: nsfw_buf, sfw: sfw_buf)
results = mc.classify_encoded_strings([{id: :nsfw, data: nsfw_buf}, {id: :sfw, data: sfw_buf}])

# since strings dont have a name, you just get an index as id
results = mc.classify_encoded_strings(nsfw_buf, sfw_buf)


Another helper for only working with 1 request/result at a time. See classify_file for more info.


This simplifies data transfer between client applications and the mirador API. For example, given the following javascript:

document.getElementById('form-field').addEventListener('change', function (e) {

  var file = this.files[0];

  var reader = new FileReader();
  reader.onload = function (e) {
    $.post('/proxy/mirador', { id: file.name, data: e.target.result });


Your could classify that data url with the following code:

res = mc.classify_data_uris(request['id'] => request['data'])

# send the result

# or, even easier
mc.classify_data_uri(request['id'] => request['data']).to_json

Otherwise, classify_data_uris and classify_data_uri have identical interfaces to the other methods covered so far.

Classify URLs

You can easily classify a publically-available URL (e.g., a public s3 bucket), with classify_urls and classify_url. The interfaces for these methods are identical to the file-handling methods covered above.


The only things to keep in mind with URLs:


Assigning specific ids to urls:

require 'mirador'

mc = Mirador::Client.new 'your_api_key'

res = mc.classify_urls(nsfw: 'http://static.mirador.im/test/nsfw.jpg', sfw: 'http://static.mirador.im/test/sfw.jpg')

assert res[:nsfw]
assert res[:sfw].safe

Implicitly using url as its own id:

require 'mirador'

nsfw_url = 'http://static.mirador.im/test/nsfw.jpg'
sfw_url = 'http://static.mirador.im/test/sfw.jpg'

mc = Mirador::Client.new 'your_api_key'
res = mc.classify_urls(nsfw_url, sfw_url)

puts res[nsfw_url].value
puts res[sfw_url].value

Classify a single URL using Mirador::Client#classify_url

require 'mirador'

mc = Mirador::Client.new 'your_api_key'
nsfw = mc.classify_url(nsfw_url)

assert (not nsfw.safe)
puts nsfw.value


The Mirador::Result class wraps the output of the API for a specific image/url. It has the following attributes:

The Mirador::Result object also has a couple of convenience methods:

Mirador::ResultList [Enumerable]

Methods that return multiple results do so by returning a single Mirador::ResultList. This object is used in lieu of a Hash or Array as to provide mixed-access. You can treat it as an array, iterating via each do |x|, indexing with integers, or by simply calling #to_a, or as a hash, indexing with @id's from image-requests.

The ResultList has the following methods:


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Please submit and bugs as issues, and don't hesitate to contact support@mirador.im with questions or issues.