
A python client for the mirador (http://mirador.im) API

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A python client for the Mirador Image Moderation API. To get started, you will need an API Key, available at mirador.im. For questions about keys or support with this module please email support@mirador.im.


The module is available on pypi, and can be installed with pip:

pip install mirador

Getting started: command-line tool

There's a command-line tool included in, which should show up as mirador-client in your PATH. It takes in a file(s) of ids and urls and outputs html showing the result:

echo "baby-1  http://demo.mirador.im/test/baby.jpg" > test.urls
mirador-client -k your_api_key test.urls > test.html
open test.html

Classifying Files

The python client supports working with a number of data types:

Every method has an associated single-request method, e.g., classify_file for classify_files. These have a similar interface but only support processing of one item at a time.


All classification methods share an identical interface that allows for generally flexible input. The mirador API, and the mirador.MiradorResultList object returned by the API allow for the attribution of an arbitrary identifier to your requests, to make post-processing of results easier. However, in cases where you do not specify an ID, the client will choose one (in a way that generally makes sense). For more information on the format of results, please see the documentation on mirador.MiradorResultList.

The simplest way to classify files is by filename:

import mirador

client = mirador.MiradorClient('your_api_key')
results = client.classify_files('nsfw.jpg', 'sfw.jpg')

# since no id was specified, the requests are given the filenames as ids:
print results['nsfw.jpg'].safe 
print results['sfw.jpg'].safe

Alternatively, you can specify an id by passing in a dictionary of id: item mappings, or by using kwargs (as in a dict() constructor):

# these are equivalent
results = client.classify_files({'nsfw': 'nsfw.jpg', 'sfw': 'sfw.jpg'})
results = client.classify_files(nsfw='nsfw.jpg', sfw='sfw.jpg')

Using File Objects

You can also pass file or file-like objects (that have a read() method and .name property, e.g., a BytesIO) using either format:

# the id will be item.name, so in this case, the filenames will be the ids
results = client.classify_files(open('nsfw.jpg', 'r'), open('sfw.jpg', 'r'))

# same request, specifying ids
results= client.classify_files(nsfw=open('nsfw.jpg', 'r'), sfw=open('sfw.jpg', 'r'))

To pass an already-read file (a buffer), use classify_buffers


As in the other classification methods, classify_files has a corresponding single-request method, classify_file. This can be used with the same interface as its multiple-request sibling:

nsfw = client.classify_file('nsfw.jpg')
print nsfw.id # "nsfw.jpg"

nsfw = client.classify_file({'nsfw': 'nsfw.jpg'})
print nsfw.id # 'nsfw'

nsfw = client.classify_file(nsfw='nsfw.jpg')
print nsfw.id # 'nsfw'


This has an identical usage/interface to classify_files, except that instead of passing in filenames or file objects, you only provide already-read buffers.

When not explicitly specifying an ID, the client uses the index of the item in the parameters, since we can't derive a name from a file buffer:

import mirador

client = mirador.MiradorClient('your_api_key')

responses = client.classify_buffers(open('nsfw.jpg', 'r').read(), open('sfw.jpg', 'r').read())
print responses[0].safe # False
print responses[1].safe # True

For this reason, when working with buffers, it's best to specify an id (if you can):

import mirador

client = mirador.MiradorClient('your_api_key')

responses = client.classify_buffers(nsfw=open('nsfw.jpg', 'r').read(), sfw=open('sfw.jpg', 'r').read())

print responses['nsfw'].value # 0.99
print responses['sfw'].safe # True


This is a simple helper when only classifying one buffer, it returns a mirador.MiradorResult object directly, instead of a mirador.MiradorResultList. The interface is otherwise identical to classify_buffers:

nsfw_result = client.classify_buffer(open('nsfw.jpg', 'r').read())
nsfw_result = client.classify_buffer(nsfw=open('nsfw.jpg', 'r').read())


This method exists as a convenience for simplified client-server communication when using clients that work with data uris (e.g., in web applications). For example, given this javascript (using jQuery to be concise):

$('#form-field').on('change', function (e) {
  var file = this.files[0],
      reader = new FileReader();

  reader.onload = function (e) {
    $.post('/proxy/mirador', { id: file.name, data: e.target.result }).done(function (res) {


We could handle that request on the server with this code:

import mirador
from flask import Flask, jsonify

app = Flask(__name__)
mc = mirador.MiradorClient('your_api_key')

@app.route('/proxy/mirador', methods=('POST',))
def proxy_image():

  id = request.form['id']
  data = request.form['data']

  return jsonify(

if __name__ == '__main__':

This example shows the singular, classify_data_uri, however, the multiple -- classify_data_uris, has an identical interface.

Classifying Urls

There are a couple of requirements to be mindful of when classifying urls, they must meet the following criteria:

Given that, the interface for classifying urls is identical to that when using classify_files


Since urls are text and are generally short, our client uses the url as an id by default:

import mirador

client = mirador.MiradorClient('your_api_key')

results = client.classify_urls('http://static.mirador.im/test/nsfw.jpg', 'http://static.mirador.im/test/sfw.jpg')
print results['http://static.mirador.im/test/nsfw.jpg']

However, as with classifying files, an id can be specified either through keyword arguments or a dictionary:

# these are equivalent
results = client.classify_urls(nsfw='http://static.mirador.im/test/nsfw.jpg', sfw='http://static.mirador.im/test/sfw.jpg')
print results['nsfw']

results = client.classify_urls({'nsfw': 'http://static.mirador.im/test/nsfw.jpg', 'sfw': 'http://static.mirador.im/test/sfw.jpg'})
print results['nsfw']


As with the other methods/data types, you can also classify a single url using the convenience function classify_url. This will return a mirador.MiradorResult object:

nsfw_result = client.classify_url('http://static.mirador.im/test/nsfw.jpg')

nsfw_result = client.classify_url(nsfw='http://static.mirador.im/test/nsfw.jpg')
print nsfw_result.id # "nsfw"


The MiradorResult object reprents the classification result for a single image/url. It has the following properties:

This object contains a helper to_json method, along with __str__ and __repr__ overrides that provide easy visual access to information about the result.


The purpose of the result list (over a built-in list) is to allow for indexing by a Result's id, which can be achieved through regular bracket syntax. You can iterate the MiradorResultList object as a dict:

results = client.classify_files('test1.jpg', 'test2.jpg')
results['test1.jpg'] # MiradorResult

for id, result in results:
    print "{}, {}".format(id, type(result)) # test1.jpg, MiradorResult

The MiradorResultList object also has a __len__ override so you can easily check how many results you have received.

Contributing / Issues

Please submit any issues as issues here on github, feel free to submit a pull request, or for immediate support, contact us at support@mirador.im.